Targets for Today:
I can decipher a code. : ) I can tell the story of one of the gods or other characters from Greek Mythology. I can take effective notes on the presentations today -- in my composition book. |
Today’s Agenda:
1. It's Greek to Me!
Please take out your notebooks
Or according to Google Translate:
Μέχρι το 1848, οι Ευρωπαίοι πίστευαν ότι οι γορίλες ήταν μυθικά θηρία.
2. Finish presentations with the PowerPoint --
You will be able to use the notes in your composition book on a test on these gods and other mythical characters.
3. Time to compare, consult, discuss to complete your notes.
4. Illustrations
If You Were Absent:
See above.
Ask for the tape in with the Greek Alphabet. Beg a classmate to help you with the notes. Draw the gods in your composition book. |
Help and Enrichment
Answer to the "Greek to Me" puzzle: