Thursday, August 15, 2019

Why Study Mythology -- Answers

It’s Tuesday.  After school lets out you head off to soccer practice.  You love your new coach. She was almost on the Olympic team for the U.S. 15 years ago, but she tore her Achilles tendon the day before the final tryouts.  You tie up your cleats (Nikes) and start running laps as Coach’s whistle echoes across the field.

After you get home from practice you get bored, so you start searching through Netflix, and you come across Hidden Figures.  You haven’t seen it yet, so you put it on and learn that it’s about the women who worked on the Mercury missions to put an American astronaut into space.  You really like the movie, so when it finishes you add more space movies to your queue to watch with your friends this Friday, including Apollo 13 and The Martian.  Wait, why is Netflix recommending My Fair Lady?  You don’t even like musicals.  And The Titanic?  You wouldn’t watch that one even if someone hypnotized you.  

You keep thinking about space and get curious about NASA’s current space missions, so you hop onto Instagram and look at NASA’s feed.  They have some cool close up pictures of Pluto and its moon Charon as well as lots of new pictures from the probe flying around Saturn.

You wander into the kitchen where your brother is eating a bowl of cereal and ask if he knows when Wonder Woman will be added to Netflix, but then you see your psychology book on the counter and start to panic because you totally forgot about the test tomorrow.  You open your book, turn on Pandora for a bit of background music and start to study.  You read about severe arachnophobia, but then you get hungry.  You remember a tantalizing slice of cake left over from last night.  You eat the cake and decide you’re tired of science homework and switch to history.  You open up your atlas and study for the map test that will be on Thursday.

While you study you start to realize your brother stinks.  You wish he cared more about hygiene.  He almost never showers.  Your sister, on the other hand, showers every single day.  In fact, she’s on Amazon right now ordering another pack of Venus razors.  Sometimes you tease her about being a narcissist because she spends so much time in front of the mirror each morning.  Honestly, it’s a Herculean effort to drag her away from the bathroom every morning and stuff her into your mom’s Honda Odyssey so you can all drive to school.

You finish your study by making a list in chronological order of recent natural disasters for social studies.  There was a volcanic explosion in Indonesia last week and a typhoon is making landfall in Japan.  You’re just about done with your list when your grandma texts and asks if you want to go to the museum with her next Wednesday.  You think that sounds fun.  Your grandma looks like Minerva McGonagall from Harry Potter, but she’s not nearly as strict.  She’s more like Remus Lupin; she’s fun and likes to do hands-on projects with all her grandkids.

It’s been a long day, so you head off to bed.  That night you have a weird dream about being a famous martial artist.  Maybe you shouldn’t eat before bed.

[Thanks to Tessa White!]

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